Ministries at ANCL

Building Community, Sharing Hope, Impacting the World
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Small Groups

ANCL Small Group Vision Statement:

At ANCL, Small Groups are communities where we share with one another both the comfort and the challenge of a relationship with Jesus.  We all need one another, and we invite you to join a group which will be your community.

We invite you to complete the Children’s Ministry information form below and subscribe to the Weekly Update to receive up-to-date news and announcements.

If you would like to be a part of this dynamic ministry, please contact us. We have many different roles (nursery worker, classroom helper, teacher). If you have previous experience, that’s great, but not necessary. We will train you so that you feel comfortable and equipped for whatever role you fill.

Worship, Play, & Grow

Children & Youth Ministry

At All Nations Church of Luxembourg, we LOVE kids! On Sunday morning we provide loving care for our youngest ones in our nursery/crèche. During the service, we provide groups for fun and active learning from preschool through high school/lycée.  The goal is not to only know about Jesus, but to really know and follow Him!  We are convinced that fun is the common language for kids and how they learn best. Our team is made up of dedicated volunteers who love God and love working with kids

Youth@ANCL is a welcoming place for young people, aged 14-18, to learn and have fun alongside youth leaders and other teens as we explore what belief and trust in Jesus Christ might mean to us personally and to the world. We use our time together to discover how our relationship with God can change, strengthen, guide, and sustain us as we seek to be the difference our world needs.

Through both Sunday sessions and Youth@ANCL events, we get to have real conversations, develop deep friendships, mentor one another, understand our own strengths, serve creatively, lead, and practice making meaningful change in the arenas that matter most to us.

Connect, Inspire, & Flourish

Women’s Ministry

We aim to provide connections for women of all ages at All Nations Church. We have various Ladies’ small groups meeting during the day, including one specifically for moms with little ones. Our signature event is a weekend Ladies’ Getaway, in early Spring, and we host various other events to help women develop and deepen friendships, including Ladies’ Nights Out, hikes, special holiday meals, and more!

Bond, Encourage, & Lead

Men’s Ministry

Faith depends on friendship.  Men’s Ministry at ANCL seeks to help men grow in faithfulness by forming connections with one another.

Opportunities for Community

Get Involved at ANCL

Serving Teams

Jesus came, not to be served, but to serve. Church is possible because people imitate Jesus by serving. If you would like to be like Jesus, to help make church happen, and to bless Luxembourg and the world, we invite you to find a place to serve. From the Welcome Team to the Worship Team, a Serving Team is a great place to use your gifts and to find community.

Ministry Groups

Not everything fits in a neat category. You’re invited to learn more about these various ministries, from equipping seminars to parent support groups to supper clubs. You can also join the groups in order to receive direct communication about upcoming meetings/events.