Worship with Us
"But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear." MusicLive StreamCurrent Series
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Services are live each Sunday on our website, Facebook, and YouTube. Service recordings are also made available via these channels as well as our Podcast below.
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ANCL Worship Team
We are musicians who worship God in the heart of Luxembourg. Our team, like the city itself, brings together musicians from all around the world.
In our Sunday morning worship services we enter a space where people can come before God, worship Him, rest, listen and enjoy fellowship. As a worshipping community, we extend the welcome of Jesus to people.
Whether we are in a season of joyful celebration or a time of deep sorrow, we are authentic in our worship, choosing to be present with Jesus and engage with what He is doing in us and in our community.
Blending elements of timeless and contemporary worship, our music draws from the deep well of hymns, modern (christian) songwriters and our own original songs.